Be-ZIEL-ing; connect with your movement, with your soul!

4 juni Connect-with(-your-)soul
19.45 Noordwal 117 (lowest bel; it is orange)
Biodanza is een be-ZIEL-de dansvorm; je danst en in je beweging maak je contact met alles wat je bij je hebt en ook met elkaar.
Deze workshop is voor beginners en gevorderden. Heb je niet eerder meegedaan, mail (lucialindner@tele2,nl) of bel of sms (06 24558217) me even)
This workshop is about connection with everything we take with us in our dance, call it SOUL if u like? And off course with connection to the other dancers in the group. Plse contact me if you never did biodanza before on LUCIALINDNER@TELE2.NL or 06 24558217.

23 april thema: Passion!

Passion is a motivator. It connects us to life. If you see something or someone beautiful intensity changes, it makes you role, move, go. It can bring you places. Most of us have the experience that too much passion can make us loose other parts of ourselves. So this is the theme for the next class: Passion & Limits!

Thursday March 26: Abundance!

Whilst I am writing this, a bird in my small city-garden
tries very hard to collect materials for it’s nest.
He picks some straws but then he sees larger ones, and some feathers.
He is looking, looking at both possibilities.
It is offered many chances. This richness gives him a kind of stress. What to do? Which one to pick? A big pidgeon comes by, watching him. The small bird has to hurry; make it’s choice. A rabbit is not far too.
He drops what he has and quickly goes o the better stuff.
He flies off, comes back for more. The small garden gives him an abundance of possibilities.
These days you can see very well what coming of spring means to the birds, to the trees.
Nature cannot wait till the spring does make itself feel.
The bird doesn’t think; wow, what will I do this year? Where will I go?
It acts upon the abundant chances it gets.
Last week we danced with a beautiful group dances of Yang, feeling the force of spring expressing themselves also through us.
You are very welcome this thursday to join the class. The theme of this weeks class is inspired by the bird and spring:
The class will be taught in English. (If necessary I can teach in English and Dutch)

19 maart: Oops! No classes

It was a bit of shock; I had cancelled this class but apparently my message did not reach everyone. I am so sorry for the people standing for a closed door. That is not Biodanza and not Lucia. It was a kind of fear for m that this would happen one day. And after five years of teaching it did……….
Whilst I am writing this, a bird in my small city-garden
tries very hard to collect materials for it’s nest.
He picks some straws but then he sees larger ones, and some feathers.
He is looking, looking at both possibilities.
It is offered many chances. This richness gives him a kind of stress. What to do? Which one to pick?  A big pidgeon comes by, watching him. The small bird has to hurry; make it’s choice. A rabbit is not far too.
He drops what he has and quickly goes o the better stuff.
He flies off, comes back for more. The small garden gives him an abundance of possibilities.
These days you can see very well what coming of spring means to the birds, to the trees.
Nature cannot wait till the spring does make itself feel.
The bird doesn’t think; wow, what will I do this year? Where will I go?
It acts upon the abundant chances it gets.
Last week we danced with a beautiful group dances of Yang, feeling the force of spring expressing themselves also through us.
You are very welcome this thursday to join the class. The theme of this weeks class is inspired by the bird and spring:
The class will be taught in English. (If necessary I can teach in English and Dutch)

My Funny Valentine 19 february

Het liedje gezongen door Nico & The Velvet Underground inspireert me tot het thema van deze les. De Valentine in het liedje is tegelijk belachelijk, niet te fotograferen en de zangeres haar favoriete kunstwerk. Ze wil hartstochtelijk dat deze imperfecte figuur bij haar blijft. Deze les inspireert me om te dansen op het thema (im)perfectie als Condition Humaine. Doe je mee met al je perfecte en imperfecte kanten?