Be-ZIEL-ing; connect with your movement, with your soul!

4 juni Connect-with(-your-)soul
19.45 Noordwal 117 (lowest bel; it is orange)
Biodanza is een be-ZIEL-de dansvorm; je danst en in je beweging maak je contact met alles wat je bij je hebt en ook met elkaar.
Deze workshop is voor beginners en gevorderden. Heb je niet eerder meegedaan, mail (lucialindner@tele2,nl) of bel of sms (06 24558217) me even)
This workshop is about connection with everything we take with us in our dance, call it SOUL if u like? And off course with connection to the other dancers in the group. Plse contact me if you never did biodanza before on LUCIALINDNER@TELE2.NL or 06 24558217.

volgende workshop 7 mei 19.30

We let ourselves inspire by the Element Water. Translated in our free-style biodanza movements this stands for flexibility. How do we achieve sweet coolness for ourselves? How can we let go of things we don’t need to hang on to? Which don’t serve us in the moment? ElsaTek