June 15, 22 and 29 we will dance on the theme Mystery. All friendly, human interpretation of religion value mystery, the mystic aspect of life. And so do lots of Great Stories, created in Hollywood or Bollywood, Kwamekrum or Harlingen.
In these three classes the accents are different, but the goal is the same. We will dance surrendering ourselves to the great mystery, to discover what this means to us, our movement, our soul. In Biodanza the meaning of this is up to yourself. As facilitators we are with you, help you find answers, but we are not forcing any meaning up to you. This is what makes Biodanza very free and full of Mystery.
We will support one-other to step into the unknown, to learn the joy and beauty of mystery. The last class on Monday june 29 will focus on the importance of mystery for us as creative beings.
In my Biodanza-classes we try to make the verbal assignments as short as possible, for the dancers to come in their own inner space and flow. The assignments are given in English and Dutch, depending on what the students need in the moment. Plse register if you come to a class for the first time at 06 24558217 or lucialindner@tele2.nl.